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Materials Engineering Department holds a lecture on clean energy and its fields

As part of the activities of the eleventh cultural season, the Department of Materials Engineering at the University of Technology held a seminar entitled (Clean Energy and Its Fields) delivered by Professor Dr. Shams Basil Ali, in the presence of the Head of the Department, Prof. Dr. Jawad Kazim Aliwi and his scientific assistant, Prof. Dr. Kadhem Matar Shabib and Administrative Professor Dr. Laith Waddah Ismail and a number of the department’s lecturers and employees.

The lecture included an introduction to clean energy, its types, and its importance in reducing global warming and environmental pollution, and touched on its applications in the industrial, agricultural, transportation, and daily life fields.

The lecture concluded with the awarding of a shield of excellence and a certificate of appreciation from the head of the department to the lecturer for her efforts.