
Establishment, Vision, Mission and Objectives

The Department was established in 1983 to keep up with the developments in the field of computer sciences and use them in the applied field and to prepare the students to be a specialized staff to serve our beloved country in the sectors that needs this specialization. The Department gives The BSc, MSc, PhD degrees in computer sciences. during the department careers, the department headed toward the scientific specialization, currently the department has six branches: Software, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Cyber Security, Networks Management and Multimedia, the students study the theoretical and the applied aspects of these specializations. The department also offers scientific consultancies in the field of computers for the government institutions it also has an active role in developing government employees through courses that are conducted at the Continuous Learning Center in the University of Technology where specialized courses are annually organized.



The vision of the Computer Science Department in the predictable term is to follow up the rapid developments in the field of computer science and its applications in the curriculum of the department and to graduate qualified and efficient staffs in the field of computer science and sustainable development in line with community service and Job marketing needs.



The Computer Science Department seeks to develop new branches that simulate development in the field of computer science applications and determine the specifications of the graduate in line with the requirements of the field of work in all scientific and educational aspects, which creates a sustainable environment that serves students and society at both levels of primary and postgraduate studies, master’s and doctorates.



1- Graduating students with the subspecialties of computer science in its subspecialty branches.

2- Preparing advanced and specialized academic staff in postgraduate studies for master’s and PHD degrees in computer science to meet the needs of society and state departments and institutions in the public and private sectors of specialists in this field.

3- Practical application in the department’s laboratories of the various concepts that are addressed during theoretical lectures.

4- The department works on developing the syllabus of theoretical and practical lectures in line with the marketing needs and global developments.

5- The student of the Department of Computer Science should be active and efficient through his contribution to the various university events such as sports, artistic and scientific and his participation in volunteer work.

6- The Computer Science Department meets the needs of society and the marketing needs through the establishment of workshops, seminars, courses and conferences related to computer science, modern technology and other areas of interest to society.

7- Provide support to students through educational counseling.

8- The Computer Science Department surveys the opinions of all beneficiary parties through questionnaires or involves them in boards and committees.

9- The use of electronic technologies and electronic software in the internal transactions of the department as an effective part in the field of sustainable development.

10- Building and developing strategic relationships and partnerships with various companies and other institutions, which serve the community in many ways.

11- The department’s website contains all interest things to its students, owners, graduates and employers of the technology companies , and is linked to social media in order to deliver its content to a larger number of followers.

12- Obtaining advanced positions in Arabic, local and international classifications and working to spread the culture of quality.